Conditions and Benefits

Recruitment of Faculty

The selection of individuals to serve on the George Fox University faculty is crucial to the life of the university. In addition to the usual academic qualifications, George Fox faculty are expected to have a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and daily living that conforms to the current Statement of Faith and Community Lifestyle Statement applicable to the faculty of George Fox University.

Responsibility for recruiting and negotiating with prospective faculty members lies with the Deans, with the assistance of Provost, department chairs, program directors, and others. All vacancies or new positions require a national search, except by permission of the Provost. Search committees are appointed by the Dean and should include members from the department and at least one faculty member from outside that department.

Upon the invitation of the Provost or Dean, prospective faculty members may visit the campus to confer with department chairs, program directors, search committees, and others as requested; to teach classes; and to become acquainted with the campus and community. A copy of the Faculty Handbook should be made available to prospects. After a search process, the Provost may recommend employment of a prospective faculty member to the President. The President extends a contract to the person to be employed. This contract becomes an agreement only when it has been signed by both the President and the new faculty member.

All new faculty must agree as a condition of employment to participate in the faculty orientation program designed to acquaint new faculty members with the expectations of the university.

Academic Freedom

George Fox University has an academic freedom statement that has been approved by its faculty and Board of Trustees. It begins:

George Fox University is committed to both protecting and furthering an environment in which faculty have the freedom to pursue truth in the context of a Christ-centered institution.

George Fox University was founded in 1891 as a liberal-arts college within the framework of the Christ- centered Quaker tradition, a tradition that finds its roots within the context of people seeking truth in a variety of avenues and inquiry. It is to this end that the university seeks to uphold the basic tenets of a liberal-arts education by providing faculty with the measure of academic freedom necessary for them to engage fully in their academic endeavors.

The proper use of academic freedom calls us to high standards of personal and professional responsibility and teaching competence, while offering the crucial support and protection necessary to carry out that calling. Freedom in what can be explored is not license for what can be advocated. An inevitable tension exists for Christians seeking to balance their faith with a responsible exploration of the world. As members of George Fox University, we recognize the importance of freedom to investigate. As members of a Christian community, our calling is to advocate and live a Christian vision of the human experience amid the fallenness that we encounter in our studies. Our understanding of that vision is rooted in Scripture and is guided by the witness and ongoing influence of the Holy Spirit. George Fox’s “Statement of Faith” and “Mission Statement,” which reflect the historic faith tradition of the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers), provide further guidance on the application of Scripture in key areas of belief and lifestyle at George Fox. Academic freedom exists within the framework of these core beliefs and commitments and because of them.

The generally accepted definition of academic freedom is set forth in the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) 1940 statement on academic freedom, which declares:

The university recognizes that the AAUP statement provides an important pillar on which to rest its commitment to academic freedom, but it is not enough. The university and its faculty affirm the exemptions set forth in the AAUP statement (1940), sub-paragraph b. It is also important to fully integrate George Fox University’s mission as a Christian liberal-arts institution with the concept of academic freedom. Whether in scholarship, teaching or service, the university recognizes the importance of integrating the role of faith and one’s intellectual inquiry. Academic disciplines are intertwined with faith, which allows for the pursuit of truth that more fully reveals God and His creation. Consequently, the primary institutional objective is to teach all truth as God’s truth, integrating all fields of learning around the person and work of Jesus Christ. This pursuit of truth affirms that all faculty have freedom of academic inquiry, even if it leads to areas deemed controversial, within the limitations described herein.

Guidelines and Standards for Appointment of Faculty

Guidelines for the Appointment of Faculty

NOTE: The use of the phrase “to the extent prohibited by applicable nondiscrimination laws” is an accurate statement of the legal obligation of George Fox University. It does not waive George Fox’s ability to argue that nondiscrimination laws are not applicable to a particular situation or alternately that to apply nondiscrimination laws to George Fox in a particular situation would be an unconstitutional infringement of the religious and associational rights of this church-directed institution. 

Standards for the Appointment of Faculty 

Candidates for tenure-track positions should:

Candidates for non-tenure-track positions generally should:

The Effective Faculty Member: A George Fox University Profile

Expectations of All Faculty

Expectations of Faculty in Tenure-Track Positions

Because the faculty play a central role in fulfilling the mission of the university, the university seeks to attract, nurture, and retain the finest tenured and tenure-track faculty possible. To be hired and the contract renewed year by year, each such faculty member should hold the terminal degree, participate in professional organizations and attend professional meetings, participate actively in church, fulfill other tasks specified in the contract, and meet high expectations in teaching, scholarship, professionalism, and service.

Expectations of Faculty in non-Tenure-Track Positions

Certain positions at the university require unique skills and practices relevant to the specific mission of the department but are not tenure-track positions and do not require the same commitment to scholarship as tenured and tenure-track positions. These positions include, but are not limited to, coaches, faculty members in the English Language Institute or the Adult Degree Program, clinical faculty (see Appendix B), librarians, temporary replacements, and nonteaching personnel with faculty status. Other specific evaluation and performance goals for individuals in such positions are found in the Office of Academic Affairs. To be hired and the contract renewed year by year, faculty members in a non-tenure-track position should hold the appropriate degree or credentials; meet the expectations of teaching faculty as applicable; meet expectations as to service, namely, participate in professional organizations, participate actively in church, and provide service for the community, university, and church; fulfill other tasks specified in the contract; and meet high expectations for their profession. Fulfillment of these expectations should be addressed and demonstrated in a Faculty Growth Plan.

Profile Elements and Expectations 


Each faculty member is expected to:

Effective teaching is characterized by the following:


Each tenured or tenure-track faculty member is expected to:

Scholarship is necessarily individualized, as each such faculty member pursues her or his specialty and interacts with other professionals in his or her field. Patterns of scholarship vary by discipline and by the nature of assigned responsibilities. To facilitate the development of growth plans and assessment for promotion and tenure, excellence in scholarship is evaluated by the following:

Clarification: Attending professional meetings and completing terminal degrees are not sufficient for fulfilling scholarship expectations for promotion. Taking refresher courses, preparing for lectures, and carrying out teaching duties are used for evaluation of teaching rather than scholarship.


Faculty members are expected to take the opportunity to serve beyond their load-credit assignments. Recipients of their service may include their departments, their professional disciplines, the university, the communities in which they live, and the broader Christian church.

Clarification: Employment outside the university, continuing education, and career preparation generally are not considered service. Any expectations of such activities contributing to service must be negotiated in advance with the Provost.

Faculty Contracts

The standard faculty contract covers a nine-month period beginning August 15. For year-round programs, and in other special circumstances, 10- or 11-month contracts may be issued, which also begin on August 15th. A full- time faculty member is one with an assigned workload of at least 24 hours during the traditional academic year (nine months), at least half of which is teaching.

At the time of initial appointment, salaries are determined by the Provost in consultation with the college Deans. There is a salary schedule that takes into account the degree held, years of relevant service, and rank.

Contracts for Non-Tenured Faculty Members

Issuance of a non-tenured contract for the following academic year does not create any presumption of continuing employment beyond the period of the contract. Renewal of contracts for non-tenured faculty members is at the sole discretion of the university. Contracts for non-tenured faculty members for the following academic year should be tendered the week following the spring Board of Trustees meeting, but no later than the last business day of March. The university should attempt to notify faculty whose positions are not being renewed prior to that time.

Please see Appendix A for information specific for library faculty information, and Appendix B for Continuing Non-Tenure-Track faculty contract information.

Contracts for Tenured Faculty Members

Contracts for tenured faculty members being renewed for the following academic year should be tendered the week following the spring Board of Trustees meeting, but no later than the last business day of March.

Release from or Alteration in Contract

A faculty contract can be terminated or modified during the term of the contract only as follows:

Departures and Resignations

Faculty members who do not intend to accept a contract for the following academic year should notify the Provost in writing as soon as possible.

At the completion, early termination, or mutually agreed on resignation of the contract, the faculty member shall fulfill all duties regarding the teaching program; return all university property such as books, equipment, software, keys, and grade records; and remove all personal possessions from his or her office.

Non-tenured Contracts Renewal

The university, at its sole discretion, may choose to offer semester, academic-year or multiyear contracts to non-tenured faculty members. Renewed academic year contracts do not imply continued employment to non- tenured faculty, nor does continued employment imply tenure.

Faculty Evaluation

Faculty members should pursue individual visions for teaching, service, and scholarship as applicable through a written Faculty Growth Plans developed in consultation with the department chair, program director, or the appropriate administrative officer designated by the College Dean see Appendix D). Department chairs and program directors should consult concerning their own Faculty Growth Plans with the College Dean. Faculty members should demonstrate their achievements during review by compiling a thorough portfolio beforehand.

Each new faculty member should meet within the first semester of teaching with the department chair to develop a written Faculty Growth Plan projected over at least two years. During annual reviews, the plan and the faculty member’s progress are reviewed and updated. The plan and evidence of progress are evaluated during the third-year peer review and each subsequent peer review.

Faculty evaluations assist the administration in making personnel decisions regarding contract renewal, promotion and tenure. They are also helpful for promoting faculty development. The schedule of faculty evaluations is as follows:

Scheduled Review

Type of Review



Annual faculty review for all faculty members

Department Chair or School/Program Director

Third Year

Required peer review for all faculty members

Peer Review Committee

Sixth Year

Tenure/Sixth-Year Review
for all faculty positions

Tenure/Sixth-Year Review Committee

No Later than Ninth Year

Continuing review for tenure track positions

Tenure Review Committee

Every Five Years

Post-Tenure Review


Every Five Years

Review of those choosing
not to apply for tenure who were recommended for it

Department Chair or School/Program Director

Every Five Years

Continuing  review for non-tenure track faculty members


Annual Faculty Review

Each fall the department chair or program director should conduct an evaluation meeting with each faculty member under his or her supervision. The review should focus on faculty performance and related accomplishments given applicable expectations and the Faculty Growth Plan. At this time the Faculty Growth Plan is updated to cover the next two years. The department chair or program director and faculty member should also identify courses to be evaluated by students in the coming year. A brief written summary of the meeting should be given to the faculty member and submitted to the College Dean to become a part of the faculty member’s personnel file.

Third-Year Peer Review

All faculty will be reviewed during the fall semester of their third year of service (replacing the annual review).

The third-year peer review should be completed and the report filed with AAO by November 15. The peer review should be conducted by the department chair, school or program director (or a substitute selected by the Provost) and a second member chosen by the reviewee and approved by the Faculty Personnel Committee. A third member may be added to the review committee at the discretion of the Provost (to be selected by the Provost in consultation with the Faculty Personnel Committee).

Third-Year Peer Review Goal

The reviewers should strive to provide feedback that helps faculty members understand their strengths and weaknesses with the goal of helping them grow as Christian teachers, scholars, and servants. Useful peer reviews are honest, direct, and specific. They should speak to the faculty member’s development in terms of his or her own Faculty Growth Plan, in comparison with peers at similar universities, and in  light of department and university expectations. The review should help faculty members plan and prepare for tenure.

Third-Year Peer Review Procedures

The faculty member should prepare a portfolio for the review team (see Appendix D). The faculty member should begin to develop these materials in the spring semester of his or her second year.

The review team should examine the faculty member’s portfolio and course evaluations. Review team members may choose to examine additional materials, visit classes, interview colleagues, and so on. Each review team member should write up his or her summary report, with copies going to the faculty member, the College Dean, the Faculty Personnel Committee, and the department chair, or program director if she or he was not on the review committee. Each summary report should speak specifically to teaching, scholarship, service, and professionalism (including faith and learning issues). Each summary report should indicate whether professional growth has occurred in each area and whether additional growth is necessary for contract renewal.

The faculty member, considering all the above, should write his or her own summary and response. This statement should speak specifically to teaching, scholarship, service, and faith and learning. The faculty member should also update her or his Faculty Growth Plan. This plan should be tailored as appropriately as possible to the individual gifts, preferences, and personality of the faculty member. The faculty member’s response and Faculty Growth Plan should be submitted to the College Dean, the Faculty Personnel Committee, and the department chair or program director if she or he was not on the review committee.

At the conclusion of the peer review, copies of all materials should be sent to the Faculty Personnel Committee for review. The Faculty Personnel Committee will review the faculty member’s materials and Faculty Growth Plan and meet with the Provost. The committee may meet with the faculty member. The Personnel Committee will notify the faculty member in writing of Committee’s assessment of their progress toward tenure (if eligible) and promotion. The faculty member should revise the growth plan, if required, and a copy should be placed in the faculty member’s file. The growth plan that emerges from the third-year peer review is intended to articulate specifically how the faculty member intends to, or is expected to, develop in order to be considered for promotion and tenure.

Promotion and Tenure/Sixth-Year Review

See sections following on Ranks and Promotions, and Tenure.

Each faculty member in a tenure-track position should have a review during her or his sixth year, whether or not the faculty member chooses to pursue tenure at that time. The review should be consistent with a tenure review.

Post-Tenure Review

See section following on Review of Tenured Faculty members and Faculty Members Who Choose Not to Apply for Tenure.

Continuing Reviews for Non-Tenure Faculty Members

Faculty Members in Non-Tenure-Track Positions

Faculty members in non-tenure-track positions should be reviewed annually by the department chair, by a peer review committee in years three and six, and by the Dean every five years after the six-year review. A special review may be initiated by either the College Dean or the faculty member (see Part Three, Section FACULTY EVALUATION – Special Review).

Non-tenured Faculty Members in Tenure-Track Positions

Faculty members in tenure-track positions who have not received tenure after a tenure/sixth-year review should be reviewed no later than the third year after the tenure/sixth-year review. (See Part Three, Section VII.C.10 for the conditions in which a faculty member may be reviewed for tenure earlier than the third year.) The review process will be the same as the tenure/sixth-year review process, including committee membership, portfolio preparation, review by the Personnel Committee, and potential outcomes (see Part Three, Section V.C). Faculty members who have not received tenure after a continuing review may be terminated. Faculty members who are outstanding teachers who have not received tenure after a continuing review may receive multiyear contracts with the focus on teaching. Specific load assignments are negotiated with the College Dean. Faculty members receiving such multiyear contracts with a focus on teaching should undergo a thorough evaluation by the College Dean every five years. Faculty members in tenure-track positions who do not receive tenure because they have not completed a terminal degree are reviewed annually by the College Dean.

Special Review

When the department chair and the College Dean share a concern about the effectiveness of a faculty member, a review may be initiated by the Dean. A faculty member also may request a special review.

Tools for Evaluation

Tools for evaluation include, but are not limited to:

Personnel File

The Provost maintains a personnel file for each faculty member. A faculty member’s file is open to him or her during normal business hours. Each faculty member is encouraged to review his or her file annually. The faculty member has the opportunity to respond to any item in the file, and the response becomes a part of the personnel file.

Curriculum Vitae

Each spring, before May 31, each faculty member must submit an updated vitae to the Provost for his or her personnel file, adding new publications, memberships, conference presentations, community service, degrees, and so on.

Student (Course) Evaluations

A formal procedure by which students evaluate faculty and courses takes place according to the following guidelines:

Faculty Portfolio, Including the Faculty Growth Plan

See Appendices D and E.

Ranks and Promotion


Each spring, the department chairperson, or program director and the College Dean should meet to identify faculty members whose degrees and experience may meet minimum standards for promotion. In August, the College Dean, in consultation with the Provost, evaluates promotion recommendations and whether promotion should be recommended with or without peer review.

If the College Dean concludes that a peer review need not be required for promotion, the Dean should recommend promotion in writing by December 1 to the Provost. If peer review is part of the process, the Dean should, by November 20, consider the peer review and make his or her recommendation on promotion to the Provost. The President and Provost should review the Dean’s recommendation, and, if they approve, it is then submitted to the Board of Trustees through its Academic Affairs Committee.

Any faculty member dissatisfied with the promotion decision may appeal to the President.

Ranks Defined

For any promotion, generally at least three of the qualifying years of experience should have been at George Fox University. Minimum standards for each rank are as follows:

Faculty Member in Residence

This rank is reserved for outstanding artists, musicians, scholars, or other persons with unusual professional qualifications. This rank requires a stated length of appointment and is made only by Presidential appointment. Faculty Member in Residence is not a tenure-track position, and the residence time generally does not count toward tenure if the faculty member is hired into a tenure-track position.


Bachelor’s degree minimum and relevant experience. Lecturer is not a tenure-track position.


Master’s degree minimum and relevant experience. Instructor is not a tenure-track position.

Assistant Professor

This is the most common rank for new teaching faculty. To qualify for this rank, the faculty member should have a doctorate in an appropriate field (or the accepted terminal degree) or a master’s degree and three years of full-time experience as an Instructor.

Associate Professor

To be considered for the rank of Associate Professor, a tenure-track faculty member should have a doctorate in an appropriate field (or the accepted terminal degree) plus five years of full-time experience as Assistant Professor. An Associate Professor should be an established and successful teacher, demonstrate proficiency as a scholar, and have a record of significant service to the university, church, and community.

To be considered for the rank of Associate Professor, a non-tenure-track faculty member should have an accepted terminal degree in an appropriate field plus five years of full-time experience as an Assistant Professor or a master’s degree in an appropriate field along with significant professional experience relevant to the position plus seven years of full-time experience as Assistant Professor.


To be considered for the rank of Professor, the faculty member should have a doctorate in the appropriate field (or the accepted terminal degree) plus five years of full-time experience as Associate Professor. A Professor should be an established and successful teacher, demonstrate professionalism, and give evidence of outstanding scholarship and service to the university, church, and community.


Tenure is granted by the Board of Trustees only to outstanding faculty members in tenure-track positions.

Academic tenure has three principal ends:

A faculty member’s consent and daily living that conforms to the current Statement of Faith and Community Lifestyle Statement applicable to the faculty of George Fox University is a basic qualification to be awarded tenure and to retain tenure. Any faculty member in a tenure-track position may choose not to pursue tenure. Should such a person continue in a tenure-track position and later decide to apply for tenure, he or she may do so without prejudice.

Individual Criteria

To receive tenure, a faculty member should have:

Institutional Consideration

A maximum of two-thirds of full-time faculty may be tenured. Should this maximum be reached, faculty members otherwise eligible for tenure may have their applications delayed until openings occur.

Experience and years accrued toward tenure are specific to a department and do not accompany a faculty member changing departments, unless an exception is granted by the Provost at the time a faculty member is transferred.

The university may designate certain positions as non-tenure track. Generally, this determination is made at the time the position is filled, and is stated in the contract. Non-tenure-track positions include, but are not limited to, coaches, faculty members in the English Language Institute, faculty members in the Adult Degree Program, temporary replacements, librarians, and non-teaching personnel with faculty status.

Sixth-Year/Tenure Review Procedures

Before September 15, the Provost may set up a three- or four-person peer Tenure Review Committee, including one member of the candidate’s department, a tenured faculty member chosen by the candidate, a tenured faculty member chosen by the Provost, and the College Dean. The Provost will name the chairperson of the committee. 

The candidate should prepare and submit to the Provost an electronic copy of the faculty portfolio. See Appendix D.

Each committee member conducts interviews of the candidate and others, reviews the candidate’s portfolio and student evaluations of the previous three years, visits at least one class or views videotapes of a class, studies the candidate’s essay, and examines other relevant materials, and then prepares a written analysis (without the names of interviewees), submitting an electronic copy to the chair no later than November 15. The analysis should address the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate in relation to the tenure criteria.

The chair of the Tenure Review Committee then submits the evaluations to the Faculty Personnel Committee. The candidate, if he or she chooses, may submit a written response to the evaluations to the Faculty Personnel Committee. The Faculty Personnel Committee assesses whether the candidate meets the criteria for tenure. At this point, if the Faculty Personnel Committee concludes that the candidate meets the criteria for tenure, it may recommend that the candidate apply for tenure. If the committee recommends that the candidate not apply for tenure and the candidate does not meet the criteria for tenure, it notifies the candidate in writing, with reasons for the negative recommendation and with recommendations for further professional growth. The recommendation is shared with the candidate, College Dean, and the Provost by December 15. A faculty member who is not recommended may be retained on an academic year contract. The faculty member may be considered for tenure in any subsequent year that he or she remains in a tenure-track position.

If the candidate receives a positive recommendation from the Faculty Personnel Committee, and she or he chooses to apply for tenure, the faculty member submits a written request to the Provost for a tenure recommendation. In cases in which the Faculty Personnel Committee does not recommend that the candidate pursue tenure, the candidate may request that the Provost review his or her materials and make a recommendation.

The Provost reviews materials and adds a recommendation. If the Provost and the Faculty Personnel Committee disagree on the recommendation regarding tenure, the Provost and the Faculty Personnel Committee should meet to discuss the candidate. If the Provost also recommends that the candidate not be considered further for tenure, he or she notifies the candidate in writing with reasons for the recommendation.

If any faculty member is dissatisfied with the recommendation of the Provost or of the Faculty Personnel Committee, she or he may appeal to an ad hoc committee of the Faculty Council. The faculty member should appeal to the Faculty Council in writing. The Faculty Council should appoint a three-person committee consisting of tenured faculty members. This ad hoc committee should review the recommendations of the Provost and the Faculty Personnel Committee, the materials used to make the recommendation, and the criteria for tenure described in Part Three, Section VII.A. The recommendation of the ad hoc committee and other related materials are forwarded to the President.

For each tenure decision, the President reviews a candidate’s materials and makes a written recommendation for tenure or against tenure (sharing a copy of the recommendation with the candidate). If the President makes a decision not to recommend tenure, the candidate does not advance to the Board. If the President recommends tenure, copies of materials are submitted to the Program and Personnel Committee of the Board of Trustees at the semiannual meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Academic Affairs Committee reads the materials, meets and interviews the candidate, and makes its recommendation to the full Board. The Board grants or denies tenure. 

If the Board denies tenure, the candidate should be notified in writing by the Board, with reasons for the denial stated. If the faculty member remains at the university in a tenure-track position, she or he may reapply for tenure when the Faculty Personnel Committee and the Provost confirm that the reasons for denial of tenure have been adequately addressed.

Following a negative recommendation or action, based on performance, scholarship, or service, the Office of Academic Affairs works with the candidate to develop a Professional Improvement Plan. The faculty member’s progress is reviewed annually by the College Dean. At this annual review, the Dean determines that the Professional Improvement Plan has been completed or that the plan should be continued for another year. The faculty member may be considered for tenure following successful completion of the Professional Improvement Plan. The faculty member will undergo a continuing review no later than the third year after the tenure/sixth-year review.

Faculty who do not receive a positive recommendation to apply for tenure from the Personnel Committee should wait a minimum of two years before requesting another review.

Expectations of Tenured Faculty

Tenured faculty hold unique positions within the university, and as such they have  special responsibilities. As experienced faculty and scholars, with the protection of tenure, they are expected to serve as role models for younger faculty; to demonstrate excellent teaching, scholarship, and service; to speak on faculty issues; to model the integration of faith and learning; and to serve in leadership roles.

Review of Tenured Faculty members and Faculty Members Who Choose Not to Apply for Tenure

Tenured faculty members should undergo a thorough evaluation by the College Dean every five years. Required peer review, or review including qualified professionals outside the university, may be initiated at any time by the Dean, the Provost, or the President. If deficiencies are found, the faculty member should work with the Office of Academic Affairs in developing a Professional Improvement Plan. The faculty member’s progress should be reviewed annually. Faculty members who receive a positive recommendation from the Faculty Personnel Committee and choose not to apply for tenure should undergo a thorough evaluation every five years by the Dean. The review should be the same as a post- tenure review.

Tenured Faculty Who Become Administrators

Tenured faculty who accept administrative appointments retain their tenure as faculty members as long as they teach at least half-time. If they teach less than half-time, they retain their tenure as faculty members for a maximum of three years, provided they continue to teach at least one course per year in the department in which they were tenured. After three such years or after any year in which they do not teach, an Administrator’s faculty tenure status ceases. Administrators who also are faculty members in tenure-track positions who teach half-time may accrue experience toward tenure eligibility (half a year of experience per year).

Termination of Tenure

Tenure is granted by the Board of Trustees, and can only be revoked by action of the Board of Trustees. Tenure may be terminated for any of the following reasons:

Procedure for Revocation of Tenure

Revocation of tenure in cases of resignation, retirement, disability, discontinuation of a major program, and declaration of financial exigency is automatic and in accordance with Board policy, and requires no additional Board action.

Revocation of tenure for behavior, belief, or lifestyle issues is recommended for action to the Board of Trustees, or the Executive Committee of the Board, by the President.

The President also may recommend to the Board of Trustees revocation of tenure for decline in performance, professional incompetence, or failure to perform the responsibilities of the position after consultation with the department chair and the Provost.

Absences and Leaves

General Policies

The Employee Handbook, containing standard policies and procedures of the university, may be accessed on the Human Resources (Employee Empowerment) Department web page:

Sick Leave

Illnesses of one month or less are not deducted within the contract year, but should be reported promptly. Compensation for prolonged illness, injury from accidents, and so on, may be provided through a disability insurance policy.

Leave of Absence

The President may grant a leave of absence for further graduate study, family or personal needs, or other mutually agreed on reasons. Such arrangements should be in writing. The period of absence is not counted toward eligibility for tenure, promotion, or a sabbatical. Generally, the period of absence should not be considered an argument against the granting of a sabbatical.

The request for a leave of absence should be submitted through the Provost.

Development and Growth Opportunities

The university’s commitment to faculty development is a necessary part of assisting faculty members to steadily work toward becoming the finest Christian teachers, scholars, and servants possible.


Definition and Purpose

A sabbatical is a leave of absence with pay for the pursuit of professional activities consistent with the Faculty Growth Plan. The purpose of a sabbatical is to provide the faculty member an opportunity for activities that contribute to teaching and scholarship and to the university as a recipient of faculty services.


A faculty member who has served George Fox University with a full-time load for six years and has attained the rank of Assistant Professor is eligible to apply for a sabbatical. The application process may take place during the faculty member’s sixth year with the sabbatical, if approved, granted during the seventh year. Upon return from a sabbatical, the faculty member begins a new period of service to accrue time toward renewed eligibility.

Criteria for Granting Sabbaticals

The university may consider any of the following in determining whether or when a sabbatical may be granted:

Financial Terms of the Sabbatical

The applicant may request to receive a full salary for a sabbatical of one semester or two-thirds salary for a sabbatical of two semesters. All fringe benefits are provided by the university and normal salary deductions continue during the sabbatical.

Recipients of sabbaticals will be asked to sign a two-year commitment to the university, including the sabbatical year and the following year of service.


The faculty member requesting a sabbatical should submit a sabbatical plan consistent with the Faculty Growth Plan to the Provost no later than October 1 of the academic year preceding the academic year for which the sabbatical is requested. This plan should include the dates of the requested sabbatical, a description and details of the proposed activities, and the current curriculum vita and Faculty Growth Plan. Any outside employment during the sabbatical should be noted in the proposal. Submission of a sabbatical plan constitutes application for a sabbatical. The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible each year for reviewing sabbatical plans and making recommendations to the President. Notification of acceptance or rejection should be given the applicant by January 15.

Sabbatical Proposal Format

Name of faculty member

Title and type of proposal

Purpose of project and expected outcome

Description of methodology(ies)

Summary of applicability to scholarship standards within your field

Statement as to how this project will enhance your professional development

Project schedule, including description of pre-sabbatical preparation, and anticipated date of completion

Attach current curriculum vita and Faculty Growth Plan as an appendix to the proposal Statement of effect on load.


Within two months of returning to academic duties at the university, the recipient should submit a report of sabbatical activities to the Provost. Such a report should include a description of activities or parts of the project completed and any in-progress modifications of activities or parts of the project completed.

Professional Support

Support for faculty development includes, but is not limited to:

Conference Participation

Funds are available through the faculty development program to assist with conference presentations and attendance that advance the faculty member’s stated objectives for scholarship or teaching in his or her Faculty Growth Plan. The Academic Affairs Office will make the electronic submission form available in August for the September 1 deadline. A current Faculty Growth Plan and curriculum vita are to be on file in order for the request to be considered.

Professional Memberships

The Academic Affairs Office will make the electronic submission form available in August for the September 15 membership funding request deadline. A current Faculty Growth Plan and curriculum vita are to be on file in order for the request(s) to be considered.

Faculty Summer Research Grants

The Faculty Development Committee manages a Faculty Research Grant program that provides financial aid for summer research and writing.

Faculty Research Leaves

The Faculty Development Committee screens applications for research leaves and recommends to the Academic Affairs Office the applications with the most merit. The final decision rests with the Academic Affairs Office.

Faculty Conferences

From time to time, faculty gathers for conference events, particularly so prior to the beginning of a semester. These events focus on professional development, community building, and worship. Attendance is required for all full-time faculty members.

Faculty Lecture

Each fall and each spring a member of the faculty, chosen by the Faculty Development Committee, delivers a formal lecture in an area of personal research to the campus community.

On-going Professional Development Offerings

The Academic Affairs Office offers on-going professional development opportunities.

Doctoral Studies Support

Faculty members are expected to have an earned doctorate or appropriate terminal degree in their field. Most faculty members hired without terminal degrees are expected to pursue the appropriate degree. Limited funds are available from the university to support doctoral work. To be eligible to receive support, faculty members must be enrolled in a degree program, be active in their program and be in good standing. In addition, the degree program must be within the faculty member’s area of teaching responsibility and approved by the Provost. Pursuit of a terminal degree must be integrated into a faculty member's growth plan. Total support for pursuit of terminal degrees is limited to a maximum of $5,000. The amount available in a given year will vary depending on the availability of funds and the number of faculty requesting support. The university cannot guarantee that support will be available. A doctoral studies request form is emailed in August of each year with a due date of early September.

A faculty member will receive a stipend to bridge the gap before a new contract is issued if the doctorate is completed after August 15th and during the traditional academic year. If the doctorate is completed during fall semester, a $2,000 bridge stipend is awarded. If it is completed during spring semester prior to May 16, a $1,000 bridge stipend is awarded. The contract issued for the following academic year will reflect an appropriate salary increase based on the faculty salary chart.

Faculty Administrators


Faculty Administrators are members of the University faculty whose load credit for administrative responsibilities exceeds their load credit for teaching, or who are designated Faculty Administrators by their College dean. Appointment as a Faculty Administrator is at the discretion of the Provost and the President and should be generally applied to ongoing administrative positions, not situations in which a faculty member’s administrative load exceeds half-time for up to two years.

The conditions and benefits of faculty service stated in Part III of the Faculty Handbook apply to these faculty members, with exceptions noted below.

Responsibilities of Faculty Administrators

Specific responsibilities of Faculty Administrators necessarily vary with the nature of the program and administrative position. Generally, Faculty Administrator responsibilities include:


Faculty Administrator positions are non-tenure track.

Faculty Administrators that are tenured at the time of appointment keep their department tenure. Tenure does not apply to administrative portions of the administrator’s load.

Faculty appointed to Faculty Administrator positions that were in tenure-track academic positions continue to accrue credit toward tenure according to the percentage of load spent teaching. A Faculty Administrator that is reviewed for tenure will undergo the same tenure-review process as faculty members.

Teaching, Scholarship/Program Development, Service

If teaching is part of a Faculty Administrators’ load, teaching expectations are the same as for all faculty members. 

Scholarship expectations, and/or individual and program goals, are included with the job description at the time the position is filled and reviewed annually by the College Dean.

Service expectations are the same as for all faculty members.

Ranks and Promotions

Faculty Administrators have faculty rank and are awarded faculty rank at hire consistent with previous rank as a faculty member, or rank appropriate for administrators of similar experience, responsibility and performance. Promotion is at the discretion of the Dean, with the approval of the University Provost, and is to be based on personal and program performance documented through annual review.


Faculty Administrators work under contracts issued by the AAO and administered according to the terms of the Faculty Handbook (Part Three). If the compensation deviates from the faculty salary chart, the compensation terms and the factors determining the annual salary of the position will be specified in writing and included in the Faculty Administrators’ file upon hiring. If a Faculty Administrator returns to the faculty, the administrator will return to the faculty salary chart and will receive credit (i.e. steps) for her or his experience as a Faculty Administrator.

Evaluation of Faculty Administrators

While holding faculty status, Faculty Administrators are evaluated by a different set of standards than faculty, and have a different evaluation process. The goal of this evaluation process is to provide regular feedback to Faculty Administrators to support and improve the performance of their responsibilities. 

Preparation for Evaluation

Each year, Faculty Administrators prepare and submit to the Dean program goals and specific policy/program changes or initiatives. These are to be three-year rolling plans. 

Each year, Faculty Administrators prepare and submit to the Dean personal professional growth plans. These are to be three-year rolling plans.

Each year, Faculty Administrators assess the previous year’s program and personal professional growth plans, and submits the evaluations to the Dean. Each year the College Dean provides a written evaluation of the Faculty Administrator’s performance, and a review of program performance.

Sabbaticals and Other Terms of Service

Support for scholarship. Because their primary assignment is administrative, Faculty Administrators are not eligible for sabbaticals. Faculty Administrators who engage in scholarship are eligible to participate in programs designed to support the scholarship work of regular faculty members: travel money for academic conferences, load release for scholarship, faculty research funds, or other like programs.

Committee service. Faculty Administrators do not serve on faculty committees as faculty representatives, but may serve on committees as representatives of the AAO if appointed by the Provost. Service on faculty committees is not an expectation of service for Faculty Administrators.

Faculty offices. Because their primary responsibility is administrative, Faculty Administrators are not eligible to serve as members of the Faculty Council, as members of the Faculty Personnel Committee, or as Faculty Senators. Faculty Administrators are eligible to vote for faculty offices.

Faculty retreat, commencements, and convocations. Faculty Administrators are required to attend faculty retreat, commencement exercises, convocations, and other faculty events.

Faculty Administrators Who Become Regular Faculty Members

With the approval of the Provost, Faculty Administrators may leave their positions and become regular, full-time faculty members. A position is not guaranteed, but the return to being a full time faculty member may occur if there is an opening in the field of the Faculty Administrator and the change is approved by the College Dean and Provost.

Faculty Administrators who become regular faculty members will continue in their current rank and become eligible for promotion and tenure (if the position is tenure-track) according to faculty standards, and following the same procedure followed by all regular faculty members.

Emeritus Status

Granting the honor of emeritus status for faculty members is carefully and conservatively considered. The President considers each retiring faculty member eligible for this honor, and confers with the Provost and Deans in making recommendations to the Board of Trustees through the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board.

Service Qualifications

The person concerned should have given a minimum of 15 years of service to George Fox University at the time of retirement, should hold the rank of associate professor or professor, and may be granted the honor for life.

Quality of Contributions

The person concerned should have an exemplary Christian character, should have a record of excellence in his or her particular academic discipline, and should have made a significant contribution to the life of the university.

Possible Privileges of the Emeriti

Intellectual Property


Except when there is a prior written agreement, or as described below, George Fox University owns all intellectual property developed or created by faculty or students in its employ, or by persons who use university resources or facilities to develop or create intellectual property. As owner of the intellectual property, the university has the right to develop, sell, or license the property. Revenue and royalties from the development, sale, or license, after university expenses, generally are distributed as follows: 50 percent for the creator, 50 percent for the university. If the university declines to assert ownership of the intellectual property, or does not begin development of the property within one year of express knowledge by the university of the intellectual property, then ownership reverts to the creator if the creator so requests in writing and the university agrees in writing.


The university does not claim ownership of books, articles, monographs, poems, stories, paintings, sculptures, musical compositions, and computer software created or developed by students, faculty, or persons using university resources or facilities, unless they were developed pursuant to a specific contract with the university.

The university does not claim ownership of course materials developed for use within the normal teaching assignment of the faculty member, except for syllabi and grade books, which are necessary for record keeping and accreditation purposes.

The university jointly owns with the creator previously used course materials that are included in courses developed under contract with the university and outside the normal teaching assignment of the faculty member. The university and the creator each retain the right to use, sell, or license course materials that are newly created for courses developed under contract with the university and outside the normal teaching assignment of the faculty member, unless prohibited by the contract.

Establishing Ownership

When intellectual property that may be subject to university ownership is created, the creator must notify the Provost in writing. If the university does not, by written notice addressed to the creator, assert ownership within 60 days, the university forfeits all claim of rights to the intellectual property and ownership reverts to the creator. By written notification to the creator, the university can extend the deadline for asserting ownership for another 60 days.