Mailbox Key Return Policy
Returning Students
Keep your mailbox key over the summer. Your mail will be forwarded to the address you gave Mail Services in April.
If you accidentally returned your mailbox key at the beginning of summer, visit Mail Services when you return to campus to get your key back.
Graduating Seniors
Return your mailbox key to Mail Services the last day you are on campus to avoid a $15 key charge to your student account.
Students Withdrawing During or at the End of the Semester
Return your mailbox key to Mail Services the last day you are on campus to avoid a $15 key charge to your student account.
Students Withdrawing During the Summer
- Please notify Mail Services of your withdrawal from school.
- Within one week, return the mailbox key in a padded envelope to:George Fox Mail Services
C/o Jered McConaughey
414 N. Meridian St. Box 6253
Newberg, OR 97132
Failure to return the mailbox key as listed above, whether graduating or withdrawing, will result in a $15 fine being applied to your student account.