Financial Aid
For Traditional Undergraduate Students
Navigating how to finance your education can be an overwhelming process. That’s why we’re committed to making it as clear as possible. There’s a big difference between the cost of your education (tuition, books, fees, living expenses, etc.) and what you’re actually expected to pay. That’s where financial aid comes in – it’s meant to reduce the gap!
We recognize there are many terms, deadlines and forms that can make the process confusing, so review each of these drop-downs for a complete step-by-step of the financial aid process. We’ve got you covered at every stage, complete with helpful dates and links! Plus, download our Official Financial Aid Timeline so you don’t miss out on any deadlines, and our Financial Aid Glossary to help you decipher common terms along the way!
Complete the FAFSA (ASAP)
Why It’s Important
Submitting the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) every year you’re a student allows you to qualify for federal, state, and institutional financial aid, so it’s totally worth your time! It’s usually available in October for the following academic year.
What It Does
The FAFSA calculates a Student Aid Index, or SAI. The SAI figure you receive is not what you’re expected to pay for college, but is an “index” number used to determine your financial need. Don’t think you'll qualify for federal need-based aid? We still encourage you to complete the form at least your Freshman year. We also use your SAI to determine your eligibility for a George Fox Need Grant, which is aid a student can receive all four years they attend.
Once you have your SAI, you can plug it into our Freshman Cost of Attendance Calculator for an estimate while you wait for official aid packages to be sent out.
When Do I Complete It?
In general, you should complete your FAFSA as soon as possible after it opens, but no later than January 31st if you are starting in the fall.
Still have some questions? Check out our FAFSA resource page.
Note: When you’re filling out your FAFSA, it will ask you for a School Code for all of the schools you’re applying to. The school code for George Fox University is 003194. You will need to add our school to your application for us to receive your FAFSA and send a complete aid package!
Are you an undocumented student and unable to file FAFSA? Check out our ORSAA resource page.
Become a Future Bruin
Once you complete your undergraduate admission application and become fully admitted, George Fox will receive your FAFSA information and will be able to provide your completed financial aid offer.
Another email from us with the subject line “FAFSA Received.” That will be your indicator that your FAFSA is loaded into our system, keep an eye out for another email from our office letting you know your financial aid package has been prepared.
Review Your Financial Aid Package and Accept/Decline Your Stafford Loans (by May 1)
Students will receive their financial aid offer via email beginning in March.
Once you’ve reviewed your financial aid offer, you will need to accept or decline your federal Stafford loans based on your plans to use them or not. This can be done through your MyGeorgeFox account under the “Financial Aid” tile on the “Accept/Decline Awards” page. We’ve created these instructions to help you navigate this process. We recommend that if you’re thinking about using your loans, you accept them now so you can complete additional loan requirements, if needed. We can always cancel or reduce them for you if you decide closer to school starting that you don’t need them. You will just send a quick email to your Financial Aid Counselor letting us know!
Need additional information about the Stafford loans? Check out our Stafford Loans FAQ for a list of answers to commonly asked questions we get from incoming students!
Have you also been offered Federal Student Employment? This amount is just a placeholder on your financial aid package. Actual earnings will be determined by how many hours you work, and will be paid directly to you. If you don’t plan to get a job on campus, the award will remain on your financial aid account as a way of letting you know you’re still eligible if you change your mind!
Complete Items on Your MyGeorgeFox To-Do List (Ongoing)
Our financial aid office will notify you of what forms and documents are required via your MyGeorgeFox To-Do List on the Tasks tile, so be sure you’re continually checking your email! Items are continuously added throughout the year, so write yourself a reminder to check your To-Do list weekly. We recommend completing items on your to-do list by August 1 (fall semester) or December 1 (spring semester).
How do I find my To-Do List?
Go to my.georgefox.edu and log in with your student account. Click the Tasks icon and then individual to do items for further instruction.
Complete Verification If Selected (May 1)
What It Is
Verification is a process every university has to do in order to verify the information you provided on your FAFSA is accurate. Students are chosen totally at random, so there’s no need to worry if you’re selected!
What Happens If You're Selected
We’ll ask you to provide specific verification documents. Your financial aid offer is an estimation until verification is complete. If any changes are necessary, we will send you an updated financial aid offer after the verification is complete.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Education randomly selects approximately 18% of those who complete the FAFSA for a process called verification. This does not mean the selected students did anything wrong; it is just a means of ensuring that the FAFSA was filled out properly.
George Fox University may also select some students for verification that have not been federally selected.
New Students: If you are selected, you will be required to provide specific verification documents. Your offer letter is an estimate until verification is complete. Check your MyGeorgeFox To-Do list or contact your financial aid counselor for details.
Returning Students: If you are selected, all verification documents need to be submitted and verification completed before you will receive your financial aid offer. Check your To-Do list or contact your financial aid counselor for details. Please turn in these documents by May 1.
We know there are a lot of documents, so if you have any questions, contact your financial aid counselor for more information and help!
Apply for Additional University Scholarships (November–March)
Even after you’ve received your financial aid package, there’s a lot of creative ways to fund your George Fox education through scholarships! Check out our web page to learn about your opportunities.
Are you a prospective student? Meeting with your Financial Aid Counselor satisfies the campus connection requirement for the Visit Experience Scholarship. Find out more here!
Apply for and Report Outside Scholarships & Grants (November–March)
While George Fox offers a wide variety of scholarship opportunities, there are also lots of organizations outside of George Fox just waiting to award scholarships to students who apply for them. George Fox will accept any outside scholarships you receive!
Check out our Outside Scholarships Page for links to well-known scholarship foundations, and tips to enhance your scholarship essays. Plus, we offer this Scholarship Resource Folder filled with useful templates, tips, and timelines to help you find and win more money!
Have you received an outside scholarship and need to let us know you have it? Here are some instructions on how to report that to us.
Apply for Additional Loans If Needed (no later than July 15)
We get it: The idea of taking out loans may seem intimidating. But did you know that 75% of graduates who attended a private, non-profit school (like George Fox) graduated with some student loan debt? (Forbes) You’re not alone if you find yourself needing to look into additional loan options, and if done right, this can be the best kind of investment in your future.
The two main types of additional loans students can look into are Parent PLUS Loans (for dependent students) and Private Loans. Our loan web page highlights information about both of these options to help you decide which one may be best for you.
We can help you consider your options responsibly to ensure that, if taking out loans is part of your financial path moving forward, you’re doing so carefully and considerately. We recommend applying for additional loans no later than July 15 (fall semester) or November 15 (spring semester).
Consider Release of Information: FERPA (by the first day of class)
What is it?
The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law designed to protect the privacy aspects of a student’s educational record that are not considered “directory” information.
Why should I fill out a release form?
This gives permission for the financial aid and student accounts offices to communicate via email/phone, etc. to those you specify on the form (like parents or guardians) to release financial aid and account balance information.
Who should I include?
Anyone you would like for us to communicate with who have not already been included on your Payment Selection Form as a guarantor.
Access the form here (Note: You must be logged into your George Fox Gmail account to access this form.)
I’ve figured out all of my finances, but is there ever a way I could lose some of my loans or institutional aid?
Great question! In order to keep the majority of your financial aid, we require that you maintain a good academic standing and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Contact Us
If you have any questions at all, stop by our office on the second floor of the Stevens Center, give us a call at 503-554-2302 or schedule an appointment online. We’re here to help!